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New Year Epistle: WELCOME TO 2022 Some of us are stressed | ...

New Year Epistle: WELCOME TO 2022

Some of us are stressed. Others are overburdened. Perhaps you're feeling overwhelmed by the new responsibilities of parenthood. Or the upheaval of a new business. Or are you already successful and dealing with the responsibilities that come with power or influence? Are you battling an addiction? Are you madly in love? Or switching from one messed-up relationship to another? Are you nearing the end of your life? Or are you savoring the fruits of youth? Are you active and busy? Or are you completely bored? Know that, to go through this new year with contentment and happiness, understand the difference between what you can change and what you can’t. What you have influence over and what you do not. Control your perceptions. Direct your actions properly. Willingly accept what’s outside your control. That’s all you need to do.

Furthermore, Discover Your Calling; You possess a kind of inner force that seeks to guide you toward your Life’s Task—what you are meant to accomplish in the time that you have to live. In childhood this force was clear to you. It directed you toward activities and subjects that fit your natural inclinations, that sparked a curiosity that was deep and primal. In the intervening years, the force tends to fade in and out as you listen more to parents and peers, to the daily anxieties that wear away at you. This can be the source of your unhappiness—your lack of connection to who you are and what makes you unique. The first move toward mastery is always inward—learning who you really are and reconnecting with that innate force. Knowing it with clarity, you will find your way to the proper career path and everything else will fall into place. It is never too late to start this process. When your efforts are not directed at a cause or a purpose, how will you know what to do day in and day out? How will you know what to say no to and what to say yes to? How will you know when you’ve had enough, when you’ve reached your goal, when you’ve gotten off track, if you’ve never defined what those things are?

And lastly be disciplined; Self-discipline means living your life the hard way: resisting temptations and instant gratification, in order to receive bigger and better rewards in the future. It’s certainly easier to avoid all kinds of discomfort and indulge yourself whenever you want, but in the end, all that you get from that approach is fleeting pleasure now at the expense of your future, which otherwise could have been much better. Your choices are made in a moment, but their consequences will transcend a lifetime. It takes only a moment to make the wrong choice and jeopardize your future. What feels like an insignificant decision today can have a great, lasting impact on your future. Each choice sets a precedent — and when you make the same wrong choice several times in a row, it becomes your standard modus operandi. Each time you’re faced with a decision between exerting self-discipline and taking it easy, remind yourself that the choice you’re making today doesn’t affect the present moment alone. A momentary decision can (and often will) reverberate for many years or even decades into the future.

Wishing all of our subscribers a fulfilling year: May this new year bring new opportunities for each and every one of you ~ With love from the admins.

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