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GSI AncientOS v1.0 A12 Arm64_AB-Gapps - By Zonik FEATURES: • | SkyFly Team | Projects

GSI AncientOS v1.0 A12 Arm64_AB-Gapps - By Zonik


• Base updated Fast and Stable
• Version Lite (Not bloatware apps)
• Security Patch updated
• Removed a lot of overlay stuff to optimize battery performance
• Semi Deodex (Great for devs)
• Enable adb in boot
• Added NovaLauncher Prime
• Added Mixplorer
• Removed Camera stock and replaced for Open Camera
• Removed all stuff google apps (Playstore and services working fine)
• Removed stock Browser and replaced for KiwiBrowser
• Maybe other things I'm forgetting to add


Unpack gsi.img and flash for Fastboot.