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🏰 Gran Imperio Mundial de Tartaria ~ Great World Empire Of Tartaria 🏰

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Logotipo del canal de telegramas granimperiodetartaria - 🏰 Gran Imperio Mundial de Tartaria ~ Great World Empire Of Tartaria 🏰
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Idioma: Español
Suscriptores: 424
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Canal documental sobre la desaparecida Gran Confederación de Tartaria y el Antiguo Imperio (Orden) Mundial. Historia alternativa.
"Quien controla el pasado, controla el futuro. Quien controla el presente, controla el pasado"
1984, George Orwell

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2022-01-28 16:36:37 Spanish/Covid Flu: Playbook or History Repeating Itself?

13. 'The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research: Organisation and Equipment. 1919.' (III)

There is a similar story circulating the internet that allegedly comes from the 1948 CIA Interrogation of Heinrich Mueller, former head of the Gestapo. The information comes from a book published in 1997 and entitled ‘Gestapo Chief: the 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Mueller: Vol 2’ by Gregory Douglas – apparently a pseudonym for Muller’s nephew who was the beneficiary of all his papers. The original Interrogation is 800 pages. The Memoirs are 250 pages. The microfilmed Archive apparently covers 850,000 pages. Mueller claimed that the influenza pandemic of 1918-19 was man-made,“But, it got out of control and instead of killing the Germans who had surrendered by then, it turned back on you, and nearly everybody else.”

Mueller is purported to have said that the flu started as a US army bacteriological warfare experiment that somehow infected US army ranks at Camp Riley, Kansas, in March 1918, got out of control and spread around the world. (Camp Funston or Fort Riley, not Camp Riley or Fort Funston… if this type of confusion is indicative of his recall then we should be cautious.) He claims that his source for this information comes from General Walter Schreiber, Chief of the Medical Corps of the German Army, who in 1944 attended a Nazi bacteriological warfare conference in Berlin where he told Mueller that he had spent two months in the US in 1927 conferring with his counterparts. They told him that the “so-called double blow virus” (i.e. Spanish Flu) was developed and used during the 1914 war. The first blow attacked the immune system and made the victim susceptible, fatally so, to the second blow which was a form of pneumonia. Schreiber also told him that a British scientist developed it. Source

“The conglomerate disease brought on by the many poison vaccines baffled the doctors, as they never had a vaccination spree before which used so many different vaccines. The new disease they had created had symptoms of all the diseases they had injected into the man. There was the high fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rash and intestinal disturbance characteristic of typhoid. The diphtheria vaccine caused lung congestion, chills and fever, swollen, sore throat clogged with the false membrane, and the choking suffocation because of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death, after which the body turned black from stagnant blood that had been deprived of oxygen in the suffocation stages. In early days they called it Black Death. The other vaccines cause their own reactions — paralysis, brain damage, lockjaw, etc.​

“The first World War was of a short duration, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines. As they were (and still are) in business for profit, they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. There were no epidemics to justify it so they used other tricks. Their propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home from foreign countries with all kinds of diseases and that everyone must have all the shots on the market.​

“The people believed them because, first of all, they wanted to believe their doctors, and second, the returning soldiers certainly had been sick. They didn’t know it was from doctor-made vaccine diseases, as the army doctors don’t tell them things like that. Many of the returned soldiers were disabled for life by these drug-induced diseases. Many were insane from postvaccinal encephalitis, but the doctors called it shell shock, even though many had never left American soil.”
Source: ‘Swine Flu Expose’ E. McBean Ph.D., N.D. 1977






Stolen History
47 viewsedited  13:36
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2022-01-26 16:01:05

15 views13:01
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2022-01-25 22:44:28 “Poco antes del desayuno del lunes 11 de marzo, caería la primera ficha de dominó, lo que señalaría el comienzo de la primera ola de la Gripe de 1918. El cocinero de la compañía, Albert Gitchell, se presentó en la enfermería del campamento con quejas de un "resfriado fuerte". Justo detrás de él venía el cabo Lee W. Drake expresando quejas similares. Al mediodía, el cirujano del campo Edward R. Schreiner tenía más de 100 hombres enfermos en sus manos, aparentemente todos con la misma enfermedad”.


Sorprendentemente, este sitio web resulta ser la fuente de la historia del estiércol quemado asociada con Camp Funston.







Stolen History
21 viewsedited  19:44
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2022-01-25 22:44:28 Gripe española/Covid: ¿Libro de jugadas o historia que se repite?

13. 'El Instituto Rockefeller de Investigación Médica: Organización y Equipamiento. 1919.' (II)

Esto se confirma aún más con esto: “Un informe sobre la Vacunación contra la Meningitis y las Observaciones sobre las Aglutininas en la Sangre de los Portadores Crónicos de Meningococo. Por Frederick L. Gates, M. D. Primer Teniente, Cuerpo Médico, Ejército de los EE. UU. (Del Hospital Base, Fort Riley, Kansas, y el Instituto Rockefeller /o de Investigación Médica, Nueva York)” (Recibido para su publicación el 20 de julio de 1918).

“Después de un brote de meningitis epidémica en Camp Funston, Kansas, en octubre y noviembre de 1917, se realizó una serie de vacunaciones contra la meningitis en sujetos voluntarios del campamento... una serie preliminar de vacunaciones en un número relativamente pequeño de voluntarios sirvió para determinar las dosis apropiadas y las reacciones resultantes locales y generales. Después de esta serie, el cirujano de la división ofreció la vacuna al campamento en general y los cirujanos del regimiento la administraron a todos los que desearon tomarla. La vacuna utilizada se elaboró ​​en el laboratorio del Instituto Rockefeller.

“Determinación de la dosis: un pequeño número de hombres en cada grupo informó de alguna molestia local o general después de la vacunación. El síntoma mencionado con más frecuencia fue una "sensación febril" a menudo acompañada de dolor de cabeza, que a veces era lo suficientemente intenso como para provocar la pérdida del sueño... En unos pocos casos hubo náuseas transitorias, malestar general o dolores articulares, y se iniciaron tres reacciones con escalofríos. Ocho hombres tuvieron reacciones generales después de la primera y la segunda dosis, o después de la segunda y la tercera, y tres se quejaron de malestar después de las tres inyecciones.

“La vacuna utilizada en la serie general de inoculaciones en el campamento fue fabricada por el teniente Peter K. Olitsky en el Instituto Rockefeller. Según las estadísticas del cuartel general de la división, la fuerza total de la 89 División en este momento era de aproximadamente 25.000 oficiales y hombres. De estos, 4.792 (19 por ciento) recibieron la primera inyección, 4.257 (17 por ciento) también la segunda y 3.702 (15 por ciento) completaron la serie.

“Parte de los hombres recibieron la dosis completa según lo planeado. Alrededor de la mitad de los vacunados, cuya tercera inyección vencía después del 4 de febrero de 1918, recibieron una inyección final de 4.000 millones, debido a la aparición de varias reacciones bastante graves a causa de la dosis mayor entre los oficiales médicos de Fort Riley. En algunos regimientos las vacunas se habían completado antes del 5 de febrero.

“Entre las unidades que recibieron las terceras inyecciones antes de que se redujera la dosis, y así recibieron una tercera dosis de 8.000 millones de meningococos, hubo varios casos de reacciones bastante graves, generales y locales, que requirieron relevo del servicio al día siguiente. Como en la serie preliminar, el factor de susceptibilidad individual fue prominente, algunos oficiales y soldados sufrieron severamente...

Las reacciones, por tanto, en ocasiones simulaban la aparición de una meningitis epidémica y varios hombres vacunados eran enviados como sospechosos al Hospital Base para su diagnóstico. En el intervalo entre el 21 de enero, cuando se inició la vacunación en el campamento, y el 4 de junio, se informó que 46 casos de meningitis ingresaron en el Hospital Base de Fort Riley. De estos pacientes, tres habían recibido una, dos o tres inyecciones de la vacuna contra la meningitis”.

Un total de 1.090 hombres estaban desaparecidos en el momento de la tercera dosis. ¿Quizás fueron enviados a Europa o tal vez estaban en el hospital de Fort Riley? El Dr. Gates prefiere no mencionarlo. Sin embargo, hay una referencia separada en Internet:
21 viewsedited  19:44
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2022-01-25 22:23:16 Quite amazingly though this website turns out to be the source of the burning manure story associated with Camp Funston.







Stolen History
18 viewsedited  19:23
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2022-01-25 22:23:16 Spanish/Covid Flu: Playbook or History Repeating Itself?

13. 'The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research: Organisation and Equipment. 1919.' (II)

This is further confirmed by this: “A Report on Antimeningitis Vaccination and Observations on Agglutinins in The Blood of Chronic Meningococcus Carriers. By Frederick L. Gates, M. D. First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, U. S. Army. (From the Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas, and The Rockefeller Institute/or Medical Research, New York.)” (Received for publication, July 20, 1918.)

“Following an outbreak of epidemic meningitis at Camp Funston, Kansas, in October and November, 1917, a series of antimeningitis vaccinations was undertaken on volunteer subjects from the camp… a preliminary series of vaccinations on a relatively small number of volunteers served to determine the appropriate doses and the resultant local and general reactions. Following this series, the vaccine was offered by the Division Surgeon to the camp at large, and given by the regimental surgeons to all who wished to take it. The vaccine used was made in the laboratory of The Rockefeller Institute.​

“Dosage determination: a small number of the men in each group reported ,some local or general discomfort following the vaccination. The symptom most frequently mentioned was a "feverish sensation" often accompanied by headache, which was sometimes severe enough to cause loss of sleep... In a few instances there was transient nausea, malaise, or aching joint pains, and three reactions were initiated with a chill. Eight men had general reactions after the first and second doses, or after the second and third, and three complained of discomfort after all three injections.​

“The vaccine used in the general series of inoculations in the camp was made by Lieutenant Peter K. Olitsky at The Rockefeller Institute. According to the statistics of the division headquarters, the total strength of the 89th Division at this time was approximately 25,000 officers and men. Of these, 4,792 (19per cent) took the first injection, 4,257 (17 per cent) the second also, and 3,702 (15 per cent) completed the series.​

Part of the men received the full dosage as planned. About half of those vaccinated, whose third injection was due after February 4, 1918, were given a final injection of 4,000 million, on account of the occurrence of several fairly severe reactions from the larger dose among medical officers at Fort Riley. In some regiments the vaccinations had been completed before February 5.

“Among the units who took the third injections before the dosage was reduced, and so received a third dose of 8,000 million meningococci, there were several instances of fairly severe reactions, general and local, which necessitated relief from duty the following day. As in the preliminary series, the factor of individual susceptibility was prominent, a few officers and men suffering severely…​

“The reactions, therefore, occasionally simulated the onset of epidemic meningitis and several vaccinated men were sent as suspects to the Base Hospital for diagnosis. In the interval between January 21 when the vaccination was started in the camp and June 4, 46 cases of meningitis are reported to have entered the Base Hospital at Fort Riley. Of these patients, three had received one, two, or three injections of antimeningitis vaccine.”

A total of 1,090 men were missing by the time of the 3rd dose. Perhaps they shipped out to Europe or maybe they were in the Fort Riley hospital? Dr. Gates’ prefers not to mention it. However, there is a separate reference to it on the internet:

“Shortly before breakfast on Monday, March 11, the first domino would fall signalling the commencement of the first wave of the 1918 influenza. Company cook Albert Gitchell reported to the camp infirmary with complaints of a “bad cold.” Right behind him came Corporal Lee W. Drake voicing similar complaints. By noon, camp surgeon Edward R. Schreiner had over 100 sick men on his hands, all apparently suffering from the same malady.” 

20 viewsedited  19:23
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2022-01-25 12:24:25
"Una inyección de Covid para gobernarlos a todos, una inyección de Covid para encontrarlos, una inyección de Covid para atraerlos a todos y atarlos en las tinieblas."



Source: Twitter
12 viewsedited  09:24
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2022-01-25 11:30:19




14 viewsedited  08:30
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2022-01-24 23:28:44 Did Rockefeller create the ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic of 1918?

It Started with the Rockefeller Institute’s Crude Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Experiment on US Troops. The 1918-19 bacterial vaccine experiment may have killed 50-100 million people.

What if the story we have been told about this pandemic isn’t true? What if, instead, the killer infection was neither the flu nor Spanish in origin?

Newly analyzed documents reveal that the “Spanish Flu” may have been a military vaccine experiment gone awry.

¿Fue Rockefeller el creador de la pandemia de la 'Gripe española' de 1918?

Comenzó con el Crudo Experimento de Vacunación contra la Meningitis Bacteriana del Instituto Rockefeller en las tropas estadounidenses. El experimento de la vacuna bacteriana de 1918-19 pudo haber matado a 50-100 millones de personas.

¿Y si la historia que nos han contado sobre esta pandemia no es cierta? ¿Y si, en cambio, la infección mortal no fuera ni la gripe ni el origen español?

Documentos recientemente analizados revelan que la "Gripe española" puede haber sido un experimento de vacunación militar que salió mal.







47 viewsedited  20:28
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2022-01-24 23:22:20 The Rockefeller Pandemic of 1918

Hello. My name is John Davison Rockefeller. You may not know me, but if you have heard of the Spanish Flu Pandemic, you should have heard of me. l am the man behind the mass vaccination that killed millions of people around the world. In fact, my institute, the Rockefeller Institute, used experimental anti-meningococci serum, which was derived from horses and then injected into those who had "flu" like symptoms. This bacterial infection (bacterial pneumonia) is what killed millions of people, not the normal flu. Thought you should know this in case you believe there's such a thing as a viral disease. Oh, and one more thing. Modern medicine is based on my institute's curriculum so that we only promote vaccines and other toxic pharma drugs and treatments. This is why I believe the best way to make money is from disaster. Hence one of my most famous quotes is: "The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets."

La Pandemia Rockefeller de 1918

Hola. Mi nombre es John Davison Rockefeller. Puede que no me conozcas, pero si has oído hablar de la pandemia de Gripe española, deberías haber oído hablar de mí. Soy el hombre detrás de la vacunación masiva que mató a millones de personas en todo el mundo. De hecho, mi instituto, el Instituto Rockefeller, usó suero anti-meningococo experimental, que se derivó de caballos y luego se inyectó a aquellos que tenían síntomas similares a los de la "gripe". Esta infección bacteriana (neumonía bacteriana) es lo que mató a millones de personas, no la gripe normal. Pensé que deberías saber esto en caso de que creas que existe una enfermedad viral. Ah, y una cosa más. La medicina moderna se basa en el plan de estudios de mi instituto, por lo que solo promovemos vacunas y otros medicamentos y tratamientos farmacéuticos tóxicos. Es por eso que creo que la mejor manera de ganar dinero es a partir del desastre. De ahí que una de mis citas más famosas sea: "La forma de hacer dinero es comprar cuando la sangre corre por las calles".







26 viewsedited  20:22
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